Monday, January 30, 2012

The next two weeks

I am continuing to update the post below (and the case pages to the right) as I come across additional amicus briefs. We are now over sixty briefs that have been filed on the merits with respect to the four separate issues, which means we are headed for well over one hundred in total. (I would put the over-under at about 120.)

There are no briefs due this week, but many will be field in the next fourteen days. Here are the due dates to keep in mind:

* Monday, February 6: the private and state respondents' briefs are due in HHS v. Florida (No. 11-398), addressing the constitutionality of the minimum coverage provision.

* Monday, February 6: also due that day are all the parties' briefs in HHS v. Florida (No. 11-398), addressing  whether the Anti-Injunction Act precludes the Supreme Court's jurisdiction in this case, and thus requires vacatur of the Eleventh Circuit's decision.

* Friday, February 10: the United States's brief is due in Florida v. HHS (No. 11-400), addressing whether the ACA's Medicaid expansion provisions are constitutional.

* Monday, February 13: amicus curiae briefs supporting the respondents are due in HHS v. Florida (No. 11-398), addressing the constitutionality of the minimum coverage provision. (There may be a few.)

* Monday, February 13: also due that day are amicus curiae briefs supporting the parties (either side) in HHS v. Florida (No. 11-398), arguing that the Anti-Injunction Act is not a bar to the Court's jurisdiction in this case.