That is about all that any of us can do at this point, with just over 21 hours to go:
* Randy Barnett offers his thanks here to everyone who has been along for the ride.
* Tom Goldstein offers his prediction here.
* Lyle Denniston sums it all up here.
* David Bernstein talks here about the decision and accusations of "activism."
* Jeffrey Rosen here discusses the possible connection between the Court's decision Monday in Arizona and the ACA decisions.
* John Cassidy has this about how conservatives have, in many senses, already won.
* NPR has this interview with Jamal Greene about the Court's decision making process.
* Robert Barnes has this on how the consensus is growing that the Chief has the majority opinion.
* Adam Liptak has this look back at the oral arguments.
* Elizabeth Wydra has this essay about the decision and the Court's legitimacy.
* Ross Douthat has this on the liberal embrace of judicial restraint.
* Nate Silver has this on how the public may not fully grasp the niceties of the Court's decision.
* Michael Shear has this article on the President's potential reactions to a loss.
* Jennifer Rubin has this on what happens if the Court upholds the ACA (and its potential benefit to Republicans on the campaign trail).
* Jake Sherman has this on how Republicans in Congress are likely to respond if some or all of the ACA is invalidated.
* Andrew Koppelman has this post at Balkinization.
And tomorrow, many of us undoubtedly will looking for love in a hopeless place.