Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cert reply brief in Thomas More Law Center

The petitioners have filed their reply brief in Thomas More Law Center v. Obama (No. 11-117). Here is the essence of their argument (copied from page 3):
Petitioners request that the Court grant this petition. Alternatively, Petitioners request that the Court grant the petition on the second question presented and consolidate it with the Florida petition. Petitioners could then focus their briefing and arguments on the as-applied question, which could also include addressing the issue of whether Salerno applies in the first instance. Consolidation would not complicate the briefing and presentation of the arguments to the Court. Rather, it would complement them and ensure that all issues were fully presented and addressed. If necessary and as Respondents suggest, Petitioners could also address the applicability of the Anti-Injunction Act.
You can access the reply brief here.