A place to find news updates, legal analysis, and all official documents related to the various constitutional challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
AHIP files amicus cert brief
The organization America's Health Insurance Plans has filed a cert-stage amicus curiae brief in the three Florida cases--though I have yet to locate a copy. (I can just see on the docket sheets that it has been filed.) You will recall that AHIP also filed an amicus brief at the Fourth Circuit in Virginia v. Sebelius. (You can access that brief here.) That brief focused exclusively on the severability issue, and argued (as one would expect) that, if the individual mandate is declared unconstitutional, several other aspects of the ACA's regulation of the insurance industry must be voided as well. I would guess that this brief argues much the same. I will post a copy once I can find one.